Tuesday, November 4, 2008


This is why when people try to argue that movies or video games make people more violent I say they're full of BS. Mankind has a long history of violence that goes back long before any visual media. We were killing witches right here during this country's infancy. We sold human beings into indentured servitude and then we participated in the international slave trade. And two thousand years ago the Romans were nailing criminals to crosses and watching wild animals rip people apart in the Coliseum. Yet I'm to believe that it's Grand Theft Auto and Marilyn Manson that create a culture of violence?!

I saw this story this morning and all of my good feelings and hope about today's election evaporated. This 13 year old Somalian girl was gang raped by three men, and instead of going after the rapists, the local authorities murdered HER. She was stoned to death by 50 men while over a thousand people watched. When several witnesses attempted to intercede on her behalf, claiming that the punishment violated Sharia law, the armed officials started shooting, killing one boy.

I don't merely lay this at the feet of Islam. Human beings of all colors and creeds have been using religion as a tool to oppress and seize power for centuries. It's a very old routine and Christians are not innocent of this tactic themselves. I'm just sickened and angry at the world right now.