Thursday, October 30, 2008

Help! Help! I'm being repressed!

So this dude Roy Den Hollander used to work in Russia, got himself a nice wife out there, and then brought her back to the states with him. Then he was completely shocked when she dumped him the moment she got her green card. Instead of being angry at her for using him, he decided that this turn of events was the fault of feminists, and as a lawyer has since gone on a crusade to rid the world of this evil "religion."

His first order of business was to make the night life safe for men again by seeking to stop the pernicious practice of offering cheap drinks to women so that the bars and clubs are filled with a fine assortment of hotties for men to choose from (this guy is one beer short of a six pack, I tell ya). That lawsuit was laughed out of court, as Hollander puts it on his website, "by a lady judge."

Next up, it's time to stick it to those uppity women in academia. He's suing Columbia University for having a women's studies program. Columbia is a funny choice, considering that up until the 1980's female undergraduates were ostracized to Barnard. As the linked columnist and Columbia alum puts it, "how did an institution that kept its undergraduate women in a separate college across the street (Barnard) until 1983 manage to become a "bastion of bigotry against men" in such a short time?" The university has since filed a motion to dismiss the case, calling it a "parody."

In case you think I'm being too cruel to poor Hollander, have a look at this quote from him:

“Women’s studies [programs] aid and abet murder,” Hollander said. “Where do you think all those lunatic female syndromes come from for excusing murdering incipient human beings, boiling babies, drowning their children, and killing their boyfriends or husbands?”

I would pity men like Hollander if he wasn't such a pompous prick. People of both sexes use each other. He got used by one woman. He's turned that experience into a reason to hate ALL women. That's seriously messed up.

I was telling a male coworker about this guy because he asked me why I was laughing in my cubicle. I started telling him a bit of Hollander's history and when I mentioned the fact that Columbia had separate men's and women's colleges up until the 1980's, this other male coworker pipes up about how there are "no men's colleges" anymore because they "aren't allowed."

Because he's the office conservative douchenozzle, I knew what he was going for with that comment. So I did a quick Wiki search and determined that yes, there are still several men's only colleges in this country, five of which are NOT religious. Otherwise the majority of them seem to be Jewish colleges, which I guess is probably because most rabbis are still men. I'm so proud of myself for not losing my temper, though. I just calmly smacked him down and he shut up. HA!

At the end of the day, if Hollander was sincere about his request for parity in gender studies at Columbia, he would move towards creating a men's studies program, which many other colleges across this country already have. But he's not. This is about putting women in their place. It's the arrogant posturing of a bitter, small-minded man.

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