Wednesday, October 15, 2008

On the Dole

So Wisconsin's unemployment benefits fund has fallen from $1.8 billion in 2000 to just $400 million today. The GM plant in Janesville will be shutting down in November, which will obviously put another large number of taxpaying citizens in line for this service. And the folks in charge of the exorbitant Overture Center in Madison are asking surrounding communities to support them because they can't quite stay in business on their own.

After gross mismangement following years of deregulation, the banks will be taking billions of our tax dollars to protect themselves. And even after accepting billions of dollars in payouts, places like AIG had the audacity to send their financial executives on trips to expensive resorts. No wonder the Lehman CEO got punched out in the company gym. People like Fuld refuse to take any responsibility for their unethical behavior.

In the meantime, average Americans are chastised by the New York Times for not spending enough money to stimulate the economy. Those of us facing financial meltdown are simply treated to that good old fashioned American myth that all we need to do is pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, and that people who are poor deserve it because they're obviously lazy and just not trying hard enough. With our financial institutions crashing and burning all around us and the American citizens being asked to foot the bill, it should be pretty clear at this point that the idea that America is a meritocracy is a big fat lie. And all I'm taking away from this bailout is that socialism for corporations is a-okay, but using tax dollars to assist average citizens is the stuff of evil commies.

1 comment:

Winiker Law Firm, PLLC said...

Unemployment benefits stink at best - apply to so few unemployed.