Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Joe Sixpack" and Republican Mythology

Joe the Plumber is a Republican plant who is completely lying about being an undecided voter -- and who may actually be related to Charles Keating's son-in-law. Now talk about your questionable associations. You would think that a candidate who is so adamant that one's personal associations is very clear evidence of bad judgment would have a little more diligence in choosing his shills.

What was it that the Senate ethics committee said about John McCain during the Keating 5 scandal? Something about exercising "poor judgment?" And that scandal, it lead to the Savings and Loan collapse. That sounds so familiar, like it might be very similar to something that's in the news right's on the tip of my tongue...

My uncle started his own garage several years ago. He struggled for the first couple of years as he built up a client base and now has several mechanics on his payroll. I wouldn't throw his numbers out there even if I knew them, but I'm positive he wasn't in the black that first year. Joe the Plumber apparently will buy a company and immediately net a quarter of a million dollars per year (not GROSS income before business expenditures and overhead, but NET, as he states his taxable income will be $280K). Sure, buddy. You live in a part of the country where the median income is just over $35K per year and you're well on your way to becoming a millionaire as a blue collar worker. But you're an "average American" that the McCain campaign just stumbled upon by happenstance. Oh, I see a pig flying past my window...

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